Electric system operation / Bernhardt G. A. Skrotzki ... [y otros 4]

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoDetalles de publicación: New york : McGraw Hill, 1954.Descripción: 370 páginas : IlustracionesTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 621.3 SK629e 23
Contenidos parciales:
Chapter 1. The system -- Chapter 2. Relays -- Chapter 3. Load dispatching -- Chapter 4. Frequency and load control -- Chapter 5. System communications -- Chapter 6. Station performance -- Chapter 7. Economy loading -- Chapter 8. System - operating costs -- Chapter 9. Rate schedules.
Resumen: "The three other volumes of the Electric Utility Library describe the physical equipment for generating, transmitting, and distributing electrical energy. In this volume we talk about the operation of this equipment".
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Libros Libros Biblioteca Central TECNOLOGIA Papel 621.3 Sk629e (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Ej.1 Disponible B1818

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Chapter 1. The system -- Chapter 2. Relays -- Chapter 3. Load dispatching -- Chapter 4. Frequency and load control -- Chapter 5. System communications -- Chapter 6. Station performance -- Chapter 7. Economy loading -- Chapter 8. System - operating costs -- Chapter 9. Rate schedules.

"The three other volumes of the Electric Utility Library describe the physical equipment for generating, transmitting, and distributing electrical energy. In this volume we talk about the operation of this equipment".

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