University physics : complete volume / Francis Weston Sears.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Addison Wesley series in physicsDetalles de publicación: Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, 1965.Edición: Third editionDescripción: 1028 pages : graphics and illustrationsTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 23 530 S439u
Contenidos parciales:
1 : composition and resolution of vectors. -- 2 : Equilibrium of a particle. -- 3 : Equilibrium of a rigid body. -- 4 : Rectilinear motion. special relativity. -- Newton's second law. Gravitation. -- 6 : Motion in plane. -- 7 : work and energy. -- 8 : Impulse and momentum. -- 9 : Rotation. -- 10 : Elasticity. -- 11 : Harmonic motion. -- 12 : Hydrostatic. -- 13 : Surface tension. -- 14 : Hydrodynamics and viscosity. -- 15 : Temperature-expansion. -- 16 : Heat and heat measurements. -- 17 : Transfer of heat. -- 18 : Thermal properties of matter. -- 19 : The laws of thermodynamics. -- 20 : Molecular properties of matter. -- 21 : Traveling waves. -- 22 : Vibrating bodies. -- 23 : Acoustical phenomena. -- 24 : Coulomb's law. -- 25 : The electric field, gauss's law. -- 26 : Potential. -- 27 : Capacitance, properties of dielectrics. -- 28. Currente, resistance, and electromotive force. -- 29 : Direct-current circuits and instruments. -- 30 : The magnetic fields.
Resumen: University physics is available in one complete volume or as two separate parts: part 1 covers the subjects of mechanics, heat and sound; part 2 includes electricity and magnetism, light and atomic physics. the total number of topics is a small enough so that the complete text may be taught in two semesters. the tex is indented for students of science and engineering who are taking a course in calculus concurrently and two whom calculus is still a new tool.
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Tipo de ítem Biblioteca actual Signatura topográfica Copia número Estado Fecha de vencimiento Código de barras
Libros Libros Biblioteca Central CIENCIAS PURAS 530 S439u (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Ej.1 Disponible B1401

Includes answers to Odd-numbered problems, natural trigonometric functions, common logarithms, periodic table of the elements, fundamental constants, conversion factors and index.

1 : composition and resolution of vectors. -- 2 : Equilibrium of a particle. -- 3 : Equilibrium of a rigid body. -- 4 : Rectilinear motion. special relativity. -- Newton's second law. Gravitation. -- 6 : Motion in plane. -- 7 : work and energy. -- 8 : Impulse and momentum. -- 9 : Rotation. -- 10 : Elasticity. -- 11 : Harmonic motion. -- 12 : Hydrostatic. -- 13 : Surface tension. -- 14 : Hydrodynamics and viscosity. -- 15 : Temperature-expansion. -- 16 : Heat and heat measurements. -- 17 : Transfer of heat. -- 18 : Thermal properties of matter. -- 19 : The laws of thermodynamics. -- 20 : Molecular properties of matter. -- 21 : Traveling waves. -- 22 : Vibrating bodies. -- 23 : Acoustical phenomena. -- 24 : Coulomb's law. -- 25 : The electric field, gauss's law. -- 26 : Potential. -- 27 : Capacitance, properties of dielectrics. -- 28. Currente, resistance, and electromotive force. -- 29 : Direct-current circuits and instruments. -- 30 : The magnetic fields.

University physics is available in one complete volume or as two separate parts: part 1 covers the subjects of mechanics, heat and sound; part 2 includes electricity and magnetism, light and atomic physics. the total number of topics is a small enough so that the complete text may be taught in two semesters. the tex is indented for students of science and engineering who are taking a course in calculus concurrently and two whom calculus is still a new tool.

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