University physics : complete volume /
Francis Weston Sears.
- Third edition.
- Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, 1965.
- 1028 pages : graphics and illustrations.
- Addison Wesley series in physics .
Includes answers to Odd-numbered problems, natural trigonometric functions, common logarithms, periodic table of the elements, fundamental constants, conversion factors and index.
1 : composition and resolution of vectors. -- 2 : Equilibrium of a particle. -- 3 : Equilibrium of a rigid body. -- 4 : Rectilinear motion. special relativity. -- Newton's second law. Gravitation. -- 6 : Motion in plane. -- 7 : work and energy. -- 8 : Impulse and momentum. -- 9 : Rotation. -- 10 : Elasticity. -- 11 : Harmonic motion. -- 12 : Hydrostatic. -- 13 : Surface tension. -- 14 : Hydrodynamics and viscosity. -- 15 : Temperature-expansion. -- 16 : Heat and heat measurements. -- 17 : Transfer of heat. -- 18 : Thermal properties of matter. -- 19 : The laws of thermodynamics. -- 20 : Molecular properties of matter. -- 21 : Traveling waves. -- 22 : Vibrating bodies. -- 23 : Acoustical phenomena. -- 24 : Coulomb's law. -- 25 : The electric field, gauss's law. -- 26 : Potential. -- 27 : Capacitance, properties of dielectrics. -- 28. Currente, resistance, and electromotive force. -- 29 : Direct-current circuits and instruments. -- 30 : The magnetic fields.
University physics is available in one complete volume or as two separate parts: part 1 covers the subjects of mechanics, heat and sound; part 2 includes electricity and magnetism, light and atomic physics. the total number of topics is a small enough so that the complete text may be taught in two semesters. the tex is indented for students of science and engineering who are taking a course in calculus concurrently and two whom calculus is still a new tool.
Physics Force and energy. Motion in physics. Relativity General relativity (Physics) Gravitation. Heat Transmission. Thermodynamics. Molecular structure. Molecules--Optical properties. Magnetic properties Light Atoms Molecules.