Introduction to the design & analysis of algorithms /
Anany Levitin.
- Second edition
- Boston MA : Pearson Education , 2007.
- 562 páginas : ilustraciones.
Contiene: índice, apéndices, bibliografía y ejercicios.
1. Introduction.-- 2. Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency.-- 3. Brute Force.-- 4. Divide-and-Conquer.-- 5. Decrease-and-Conquer.-- 6. Transform-and-Conquer.-- 7. Space and Time Tradeofs.- 8. Dynamic Programming.-- 9. Greedy Technique.-- 10. Iterative Improvement.-- 11. Limitatios of Algorithm Power.-- 12. Coping with the Limitations of Algorith Power.--
Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms" presents the subject in a coherent and innovative manner. Written in a student-friendly style, the book emphasizes the understanding of ideas over excessively formal treatment while thoroughly covering the material required in an introductory algorithms course.
Algoritmos--Programación informática Algoritmos informáticos--Ejercicios Programación de computadoras