Solidworks : Advanced Topics / Dassault Systemes. - ARON : Solidworks Corporation, 2018. - 594 páginas : Ilustraciones a color, esquemas y gráficos. - Solidworks training .

Incluye apéndice e índice alfabético.

Lesson 1: Top-Down assembly modeling -- Lesson 2: Assembly features and smart components --Lesson 3: Assembly editing -- Lesson 4: Large assemblies -- Lesson 5: Multibody desing techniques -- Lesson 6: Sketching with splines -- Lesson 7: Introduction to sweeping -- Lesson 8: 3D Sketching and curve features -- Lesson 9: Introduction to loft and boundary features -- Lesson 10: Understanding surfaces -- Lesson 11: Introduction to surfacing -- Lesson 12: Solid-surface hybrid modeling -- Lesson 13. Repairing and editing imported geometry -- Lesson 14: Basic flange features -- Lesson 15: Converting to sheet metal -- Lesson 16: Weldment features -- Lesson 17: Working with weldments.

"This training manual is intended to be used in a classroom environment under the guidance of an experienced SOLIDWORKS instructor. Its is not intended to be a self-paced tutorial. The examples and case studies are designed to be demonstrated "live" by the instructor".


Diseño asistido por computador--Enseñanza programada
Diseño en ingeniería
Programas para computador--Enseñanza asistida por computador

620.004 / S686a