Solidworks Drawings - ISO /
Dassault Systemes.
- ARON : Solidworks Corporation, 2019.
- 494 páginas : Ilustraciones a color, esquemas y gráficos.
- SolidWorks .
Incluye índice alfabético.
Lesson 1: Review of the Basics -- Lesson 2: Understanding drawing templates -- Lesson 3: Customizing the sheet format -- Lesson 4: Saving and testing the sheet format file-- Lesson 5: Creating additional sheet formats and templates -- Lesson 6: Advanced options for drawing views -- Lesson 7: Understanding annotation views -- Lesson 8: Advanced detailing tools -- Lesson 9: Using layers, styles and the desing library -- Lesson 10: Advanced options for BOM tables -- Lesson 11: Additional SOLIDWORKS tables -- Lesson 12: Additional drawing tools -- Lesson 13: Managing performance.
" The goal of this course is to teach you how to create engineering drawings of parts and assemblies using SOLIDWORKS mechanical desing automation software".
SolidWorks Diseño asistido por computador--Enseñanza programada Diseño en ingeniería Programas para computador--Enseñanza asistida por computador