Real listening and speaking 2 : with answers - B1 /
Sally Logan, Craig Thaine.
- Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
- 111 páginas : ilustraciones.
- Cambridge English Skills - B1 .
Social and Travel.-- Unit1 How do you know Mark?.-- Unit2 I´m phoning about the house.-- Unit3 How do I buy a ticket?.-- Unit4 Shall we go out for dinner?.-- Unit5 You should go to the police.-- Unit6 Have you got a headache.-- Unit7 How about a hostel?.-- Unit8 What can I do here?.-- Unit9 When are you flying?.-- Unit10 Theweather is changing.
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Inglés--Enseñanza y estudio Escucha y habla--Inglés Gramática--Inglés