Building the Infrastructure for cloud security : a solutions view /
Raghu Yeluri, Enrique Castro Leon.
- New York : Apress Open, 2014.
- 216 páginas : Ilustraciones.
Chapter 1: CLoud computing basic. -- Chapter 2: The trusted cloud: addressing security and compliance. -- Chapter 3: Platform boot integrity: foundation for trusted compute pools. -- Chapter 4: Attestation: proving trustability. -- Chapter 5: Boundary control in the cloud: geo-tagging and asset tagging. -- Chapter 6: Network security in the cloud. -- Chapter 7: Identy management and control for clouds. -- Chapter 8: Trusted virtual machines: ensuring the integrity of virtual machines in the cloud. -- Chapter 9: A reference design for secure cloud bursting.
For cloud users and providers alike, security is an everyday concern, yet there ar very few boks covering cloud security as a main subject. this book will help address this information gap from an information technology solution nd usage-centric view of cloud infrastructure security.
Computación en la nube--Almacenamiento Procesamiento de la información --Almacenamiento Almacenamiento de datos --Informática