Hyman, Barry

Fundamentals of engineering design / Barry Hyman. - Sexta edición - New Jersey : Pearson, 2003. - 586 páginas : Ilustraciones.

Incluye índice, referencias y proyectos de diseño.

Chapter 1. Introduction to engineering desing -- Chapter 2. Problem formulation -- Chapter 3. Information and communication -- Chapter 4. Professional and social context of design of desing -- Chapter 5. Probabilistic considerations in desing -- Chapter 6. Concept generation -- Chapter 7. Project planning -- Chapter 8. Engineering economics -- Chapter 9. Decision making -- Chapter 10. Optimun desing.

"The basic structure of this book is unchanged from the first edition, but much of the existing material has been enhanced and new material has been added. Chapters 2,3, and 10 have undergone the biggest changes".


Diseño en ingeniería
Ingeniería de prototipos
Diseño industrial

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