Eggert, Rudolph J.

Engineering design / Rudolph J. Eggert. - New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. - 394 páginas : ilustraciones.

Incluye apéndices e índice.

Chapter 1. Getting the big picture.-- Chapter 2. Defining and solving desing problems.-- Chapter 3. Formulating a desing problem.-- Chapter 4. Concept design.-- Chapter 5. Selecting materials.-- Chapter 6. Selecting manufacturing processes.-- Chapter 7. Configuration design.-- Chapter 8. Parametric design.-- Chapter 9. Building and testing prototypes.-- Chapter 10. Design for X: Failure, safety, tolerances, environment.-- Chapter 11. Human factory/ergonomics.-- Chapter 12. Introduction to engineering economics.-- Chapter 13. Detail design.-- Chapter 14. Projects, teamwork and ethics.

Engineering Design is intended as a text for senior capstone courses as well as junior and sophomore engineering design courses.


Diseño en ingeniería
Procesos de manufactura

620.0042 / E29e