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The Internet : Everything you need to know about computer networking and how the Internet works. / Douglas E. Comer

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoEdición: Cuarta ediciónDescripción: 380 páginas : IlustracionesISBN:
  • 0132335530
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 23 004.65 C732i
Contenidos parciales:
Chapter 1. The Internet has arried. -- Chapter 2. Getting started: Hands-on- experience. -- Part I. Introduction to networking. Chapter 3. Telephones eveywhere. -- Chapter 4. The world was once analog. -- Chapter 5. The once and future digital network. -- Chapter 6. Basic communication. -- Chapter 7. The local area network arrives. Part II. A brief history of the internet. Chapter 8. Internet: the early years. -- Chapter 9. Two decades of incredible growth. -- Chapter 10. The global internet. -- Chapter 11. A global information infrastructure. -- Part III. How the internet works. -- Chapter 12. Packet switching. -- Chapter 13. Internet: A network of networks. -- Chapter 14. ISPs: Broadband and wireless access. -- Chapter 15. IP: Software to create a virtual network. -- Chapter 16. TCP: Software for reliable communication. -- Chapter 17. Clients + servers=Distributed computing. -- Chapter 18. Names for computers. -- Chapter 19. NAT: Sharing an internet connetion. -- Chapter 20. Why the internet works well. -- Part IV. Services available on the internet. Chapter 21. Electronic mail. -- Chapter 22. Bulletin service (Newsgroups). -- Chapter 23. Browsing the world wide web. --
Resumen: "In the fourth edition of The Internet Book, the author adopts a non-technical perspective to explain the mechanics behind the Internet, how computers communicate, and the many services computers and internet technology provide".
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Libros Libros Biblioteca Central CIENCIAS PURAS 004.65 C732i (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Ej.1 En catalogación B0434

Incluye apéndice e índice.

Chapter 1. The Internet has arried. -- Chapter 2. Getting started: Hands-on- experience. -- Part I. Introduction to networking. Chapter 3. Telephones eveywhere. -- Chapter 4. The world was once analog. -- Chapter 5. The once and future digital network. -- Chapter 6. Basic communication. -- Chapter 7. The local area network arrives. Part II. A brief history of the internet. Chapter 8. Internet: the early years. -- Chapter 9. Two decades of incredible growth. -- Chapter 10. The global internet. -- Chapter 11. A global information infrastructure. -- Part III. How the internet works. -- Chapter 12. Packet switching. -- Chapter 13. Internet: A network of networks. -- Chapter 14. ISPs: Broadband and wireless access. -- Chapter 15. IP: Software to create a virtual network. -- Chapter 16. TCP: Software for reliable communication. -- Chapter 17. Clients + servers=Distributed computing. -- Chapter 18. Names for computers. -- Chapter 19. NAT: Sharing an internet connetion. -- Chapter 20. Why the internet works well. -- Part IV. Services available on the internet. Chapter 21. Electronic mail. -- Chapter 22. Bulletin service (Newsgroups). -- Chapter 23. Browsing the world wide web. --

"In the fourth edition of The Internet Book, the author adopts a non-technical perspective to explain the mechanics behind the Internet, how computers communicate, and the many services computers and internet technology provide".

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