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Learning OpenStack : Sep up and maintain your own cloud-based infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Using OpenStack / Alok Shrivastwa, Sunil Sarat.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Community Experience DistilledDetalles de publicación: Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2016.Descripción: 246 páginas : IlustracionesISBN:
  • 9781783986965
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 004.6782 S561l 23
Contenidos parciales:
Chapter 1: An introduction to OpenStack. -- Chapter 2: Authentication and authorization using keystone. -- Chapter 3; Storing and retreieving data and images using glance, cinder, and swift. -- Chapter 4: Building ypur cloud fabric controller using nova. -- Chapter 5: Technology-agnostic network abstraction using neutron. -- Chapter 6: Building your portal in the cloud. -- Chapter 7: Your OpenStack cloud in action. -- Chapter 8: Taking your cloud to the next level. -- Chapter 9: Looking ahead.
Resumen: This book will help you gain a holistic view of OpenStack´s components and their interaction with each other in the building of a cloud environment. you will learn to deploy a self.service-based cloud using just four virtual machines and standard networking.
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Libros Libros Biblioteca Central CIENCIAS PURAS 004.6782 S561l (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Ej.1 Disponible B0504

Chapter 1: An introduction to OpenStack. -- Chapter 2: Authentication and authorization using keystone. -- Chapter 3; Storing and retreieving data and images using glance, cinder, and swift. -- Chapter 4: Building ypur cloud fabric controller using nova. -- Chapter 5: Technology-agnostic network abstraction using neutron. -- Chapter 6: Building your portal in the cloud. -- Chapter 7: Your OpenStack cloud in action. -- Chapter 8: Taking your cloud to the next level. -- Chapter 9: Looking ahead.

This book will help you gain a holistic view of OpenStack´s components and their interaction with each other in the building of a cloud environment. you will learn to deploy a self.service-based cloud using just four virtual machines and standard networking.

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