Abusing the internet of things : blackouts, freakouts, and stakeouts /

Dhanjani , Nitesh

Abusing the internet of things : blackouts, freakouts, and stakeouts / Nitesh Dhanjani. - Sebastopol, CA. : O'Reilly, 2015 - 274 páginas. Ilustraciones.

1. Lights out-hacking wireless lightbulbs to cause sustained blackouts. -- 2. Electronic lock picking-abusing door locks to compromise physical security. -- 3. Assaulting the radio nurse-breaching baby monitorsand one other thing. -- 4. Blurred lines-when the physical space meets the virtual space. -- 5. The idiot box-attacking smart televisions. -- 6. Connected car security analysis-from gas to fully electric. -- 7. Secure prototyping-little bits and cloudbit. -- 8. Securely enabling our future-A conversation on upcoming attack vectors. -- 9. Two scenarios-intentions and outcomes.

Annotation "This book is a marvellous thing: an important intervention in the policy debate about information security and a practical text for people trying to improve the situation." Cory Doctorowauthor, co-editor of Boing BoingA future with billions of connected "things" includes monumental security concerns.


Seguridad de computación
Internet de las cosas--IoT

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