Troubleshooting OpenStack : Get unstuck and start stacking! /
Campbell, Tony
Troubleshooting OpenStack : Get unstuck and start stacking! / Tony Campbell. - Birmingham ; Packt Publishing, 2016. - 149 páginas : Ilustraciones.
Chapter 1: The Troubleshooting toolkit. -- Chapter 2: Troubleshooting OpenStack Identy. -- Chapter 3: Troubleshooting the OpenStack Image Service. -- Chapter 4: Troubleshooting OpenStack Networking. -- Chapter 5:Troubleshooting OpenStack Compute. -- Chapter 6: Troubleshooting OpenStack Block Storage. -- Chapter 7: Troubleshooting OpenStack Object Storage. -- Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the OpenStack the Orchestration Service. -- Chapter 9: Troubleshooting the OpenStack Telemetry Service. -- Chapter 10: OpenStack Performance, Availability, and Reliability.
OpenStack is a collection of software projects that work together to provide a cloud fabric. It puts the cloud within reach anyone wiling to learn this technology. Starting with an introduction to OpenStack trobleshooting tools, we´ll wlk through each OpenStack service and how you can quikly diagnose and troubleshoot OpenStack.
Computación en la nube--Almacenamiento
Almacenamiento de datos--Informática
Soporte logico de computadores--Software
004.6782 / C187t
Troubleshooting OpenStack : Get unstuck and start stacking! / Tony Campbell. - Birmingham ; Packt Publishing, 2016. - 149 páginas : Ilustraciones.
Chapter 1: The Troubleshooting toolkit. -- Chapter 2: Troubleshooting OpenStack Identy. -- Chapter 3: Troubleshooting the OpenStack Image Service. -- Chapter 4: Troubleshooting OpenStack Networking. -- Chapter 5:Troubleshooting OpenStack Compute. -- Chapter 6: Troubleshooting OpenStack Block Storage. -- Chapter 7: Troubleshooting OpenStack Object Storage. -- Chapter 8: Troubleshooting the OpenStack the Orchestration Service. -- Chapter 9: Troubleshooting the OpenStack Telemetry Service. -- Chapter 10: OpenStack Performance, Availability, and Reliability.
OpenStack is a collection of software projects that work together to provide a cloud fabric. It puts the cloud within reach anyone wiling to learn this technology. Starting with an introduction to OpenStack trobleshooting tools, we´ll wlk through each OpenStack service and how you can quikly diagnose and troubleshoot OpenStack.
Computación en la nube--Almacenamiento
Almacenamiento de datos--Informática
Soporte logico de computadores--Software
004.6782 / C187t