Learning OpenStack high availability : Build a Resilient and Scalable OpenStack cloud using advanced open source tools /

Sharma, Rishabh

Learning OpenStack high availability : Build a Resilient and Scalable OpenStack cloud using advanced open source tools / Rishabh Sharma. - Burmingham : Packt Publishing, 2015. - 131 páginas : Ilustraciones. - Community Experience Distilled .

Chapter 1: An introduction to high availability conepts. -- Chapter 2: Database and messaging services. -- Chapter 3: Load balancing for active/active service. -- Chapter 4: Clustering, fencing, and active/passive services. -- Chapter 5: Highly Available OpenStack services. -- Chapter 6: Distributed networking. -- Chapter 7: Shared storage. -- Chapter 8: Failure scenario and disaster recovery. -- Chapter 9: The pñnciples of design for highly available applications. -- Chapter 10: Monitoring for high availability. -- Chapter 11: Use cases and real world examples.

OpenStack is one of the most popular open source cloud computing platforms, mostly used fo deploying infrastruture as a service (IaaS) solutions. Enabling high availability in OpenStack is a required skill for cloud administrators and cloud engineers in today's world.


Computación en la nube--Almacenamiento
Organizacion de datos--Informática
Soporte logico de computadores--Software

004.6782 / S531l

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